The prevention of corruption in the public Administration. The method 9-4. Can “black swans” be prevented in I-Administration?
Main Article Content
Published: Sep 24, 2020
Pages: 83-98
Issue: Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020)
We are immersed in a context of citizen mistrust towards institutions and politics. Throughout this work, an attempt will be made to answer how good governance can be an incentive or a remedy to overcome this gap of mistrust between citizens and their public or institutional decision-makers and reinforce the legitimacy of institutions.
The importance of implementing integrity frameworks will be addressed, as well as policies and tools imported from private Compliance to the public sector. For this we have developed a method 9-4 that clearly defines the 9 axes and the 4 challenges that the Administration has to face. Finally, some of the axes that constitute a key piece are briefly analyzed.
Article Details
Good Governance, Integrity, I-Administration, Ethical Codes, Compilance, ODS, Black Swan