Legality and national and inter-American jurisprudential precedents on COVID-19 type coronavirus in Colombia

Hernan Alejandro Olano García

Given the appearance in Colombia on March 6, 2020 of the first case of COVID-19 disease (coronavirus), the authorities begin to develop contingency protocols in accordance with the three phases of this pandemic, prevention, containment and mitigation, following the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the referral to legal and jurisprudential norms for the management of the pandemic in Colombia.

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Author Biography

Hernan Alejandro Olano García, Univerity Institution Colleges of Colombia -UNICOC

Director del Grupo de Investigación en Historia de las Instituciones y DDHH "Diego de Torres y Moyachoque, Cacique de Turmequé" del Colegio Jurídico y de Ciencias Sociales en la Institución Universitaria Colegios de Colombia – UNICOC. Investigador Sénior ante Minciencias.

Pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, legality, inter-american system, Colombia