Impact of the Next Generation EU program in Spain: condicionality, challenges and opportunities of a historic agreement
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COVID-19 has caused an unprecedent crisis in the European Union, with Spain being one of the countries most affected. To address the economic crisis resulting from the pandemic, last May the European Commission proposed the creation of the Next Generation EU program, which will distribute 750,000 million euros among the Member States. Spain could receive close to 150,000 million euros, of which 74,200 million euros would be non-refundable funds. It is foreseeable that with the transfers alone the indirect positive impact on GDP could range between 1.2 and 2.4 percentage points, although the final result will depend on the capacity to absorb and execute the funds and the implementation of structural reforms that increase potential output.
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- Santiago Calvo López, Public Governance and the Classical-Liberal Perspective , A&C Journal: Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020)