The Long-term European Union budget 2021-2027 and Recovery Instrument Next Generation EU

Ángel Luis Tarrío Tobar

The 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework of the European Union and the European Union Recovery Instrument represent an unprecedented volume of resources for the Member States, which will make it possible to immediately face the consequences of the crisis derived from COVID-19 and finance investments and reforms needed to achieve more sustainable, digital and resilient economies. The cohesion policy funds will strengthen, during this decade, economic, social and territorial cohesion and will correct imbalances between countries and regions and delivering the Union’s policy objectives.

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Multiannual Financial Framework, European Union recovery instrument (Next Generation EU), Recovery and resilience facility, Cohesion Policy, Cohesion Policy Funds: ERDF, ESF , Cohesion Fund and Just Transition Fund