A&C journal requires that all the actors involved in the article editing process, whether they are staff of the editorial and review team or the authors themselves, follow the ethical guidelines of the publication. In any case, it should be noted that in addition to these persons the following responsibilities correspond:

Authors: At the time of submitting a work on the magazine's platform, they must formulate a statement of responsibility regarding the originality of the work and that it does not violate intellectual property rights, as well as indicate that the content is known and accepted. of the regulations governing the journal and its code of ethics and good practices.

The simultaneous submission of the work to another publication must also be communicated by its authors to the members of the editorial team.

Editorial: Will select the texts according to criteria of originality, novelty, relevance and rigor.

In addition, in the event that a violation of the anti-plagiarism policy is detected before the evaluation, the article will be returned to the author, warning of the fact that it is not reviewed. If the identification occurs throughout the editorial process, the work will be automatically withdrawn and its publication will not proceed. Once the files are published, the detection of plagiarism will imply their removal from the website.

Evaluators: They must refuse the assignment to evaluate a work if they do not recognize themselves as qualified in the subject area or if they cannot take the evaluation within the term established by the journal.

On the other hand, they must notify the editorial team of possible fraud or plagiarism that they detect in the evaluated research.

Likewise, they must rule on the articles objectively and within the established time, as well as substantiate the reasons why they reject a submission or provide suggestions that strengthen their publication.