Municipal by-laws on citizen coexistence and their relationship with the citizen security law: Whose preemption?

Lucía Alarcón Sotomayor

A large number of municipalities have approved their citizen coexistence ordinances in the last fifteen years. The doctrine and the jurisprudence have received the ordinances surprisingly well and, in general, they have not criticized it. Quite the opposite has happened with the LOPSC, which has in many cases typified the same infractions as the ordinances, and which, however, has received innumerable and especially hard criticisms for doing the same thing that the ordinances did before. However, one of the greatest weaknesses of the LOPSC is that it has almost completely ignored these ordinances. The LOPSC neither has articulated its relationship with them nor has framed its sanctioning regime. 

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citizen coexistence ordinances, Citizen Security Law, sanctioning regime, relationships, criticisms, guarantees, oversights.