The Spanish body for equality: keys to its convergence with the European model

Fernando Rey Martínez

Article 13 of Directive 43/2000/EC required Member States to designate "one or more bodies responsible for the promotion of equal treatment" on ethnic/racial grounds. The CEDRE responds in no way to the European model designed for an equality body.  The Spanish Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination Proposition, currently underway in Parliament, attempts to comply, this time yes, with European demands. Finally, two main conclusions are reached: that the proposed regulation is sufficient in itself to achieve that European objective, even if in a minimal or mediocre way, and that the best formula to adopt would be the creation of a specialized body within the national and regional Ombudsman's Offices. 

Article Details

Equality and non-discrimination, European anti-discrimination model, equality bodies, council for the Elimination of Racial or Ethnic Discrimination, Commissioner for Equal Treatment and Non-Discrimination