Los encargos a medios propios: Análisis del caso del servicio de limpieza de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Antonio Javier Ferreira Fernández
Based on a real case, the commission to the USC M.P. of the management of the cleaning service of the University, it is intended to analyze the problematic issues raised by the commissions to own media and expose the solutions adopted, as well as the doubts that these solutions have raised and raise. It is about bringing the reader closer to a complex issue, full of uncertainties and doubts and that is sub judice. Being an open case, it can serve as a guideline for other legal operators to the extent that we are faced with a lively, controversial and current problem in a context where efficiency must be one of the basic principles of public resource management.

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Public contracting, own means, management of public services, universities, direct management