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Once the editorial board agrees to publish any material (article or review) received, the non-exclusive and unlimited rights to reproduce and distribute the works in any form of reproduction, language and country will be transferred to the Galician School of Public Administration (EGAP).

Notwithstanding the foregoing and in accordance with the provisions of the Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, the authors of the articles published in the Revista de Administration and Citizenship (A&C) give the Galician School of Public Administration (EGAP) free of charge, in a non-exclusive way and without time limit, the rights to disseminate, reproduce, communicate and distribute them in any format (paper or electronic), to in order to be published in said magazine.

In order to promote the dissemination of knowledge, the A&C adheres to the Open Access (OA) journal movement and delivers all of its contents to various national and international indexes, repositories and databases under this protocol. Specifically, the A&C will publish under the Creative Commons license system according to the modality «Attribution - NonComercial (by-nc): The generation of derivative works is allowed as long as there is no commercial use. Nor can the original work be used for commercial purposes.

Consequently, the works that are published in this journal have a transfer of editing and publication rights made in this sense by their author prior to publication, since when the author submits a work for To be published in this magazine signs a document of transfer of rights in which you also express your consent regarding this distribution method.

Open access policy

The A&C provides immediate free and open access to its content in compliance with the EGAP's aim of promoting the maximum dissemination of the dissemination works in the field of Public Administration provided for in its creation law as well as one of the objectives of the magazine such as the dissemination of knowledge in the field of social and legal sciences, particularly in the areas of Political Science and Administration, Sociology, Economics and Law, through the publication of research papers and reviews of books related to administrations and public policies.

By virtue of this policy, users of the magazine may distribute, copy and display their articles as long as they do so for non-commercial purposes and show the author in the credits. It also allows the production of derivative works from which no commercial benefit can be obtained.

EGAP does not charge people who contribute to its articles any fee for publication or for any other reason.

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