Editorial Rules
The selection of texts that will be included in the Galician Magazine of Public Administration is based on the following criteria; originality, novelty, relevance and accuracy. Original texts that do not meet requirements listed below will be returned to the authors to be corrected before being submitted for evaluation. Once originals have been received and checked that comply with editorial requirements, the secretary will confirm that the original texts have been received and give an estimated date to be accepted. Texts will be reviewed by two (Phd or equivalent) experts from out of the editorial board. Evaluation process will be anonymous to ensure the independence in the selection. The texts will be evaluated as accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected. In the case the text is accepted with modifications, the publishing team will be in charge of following up the resubmission of the text (author will be informed). In the case of the text being rejected, the original will be returned to the author together with the evaluation assessment. Before the text is published the author will receive by email a final copy to make any changes on the final edition if needed in the next fifteen days.
1. The proposals for collaboration with the Magazine of Public Administration of Galicia will be sent through the electronic platform available at the following link: https://egap.xunta.gal/revistas/REGAP
2. The original texts will be received before 15thof May and before 15th of November for the two annual issues. Dates of reception and acceptance will appear in a visible place of the magazine.
3. The texts should meet the following requirements:
- a) Be original and not being included in any other evaluation process.
- b) Be written in Galician, Spanish, English, German, Portuguese, Italian or French.
- c) Constraining a number between 30.000 and 40.000 characters (40 pages at the most) for the works written out as "Studies"; and of a maximum of 15.000 (in the more than 30 pages) for the ones edited as "Notes".
4. The works proposed as articles will include in the following order:
- a) A title describing contents together with name, surnames, profession, position, name and country of the institution, and email address of the author(s).
- b) A summary (maximum of 120 words) in the language in which the main text is submitted and translation to English language if this wasn’t the language of choice.
- c) A minimum of five key words, and a maximum of ten, stressing the contents of the main text. They will be translated to the English language if this wasn’t the language of choice.
- d) Index would follow a CDU structure. (Example: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.1.a …).
- e) Text’s main body.
- f) Bibliography.
5. The works should be checked carefully by the author(s) in regards with style. In addition, the originals should comply with the following requirements:
- a) All the works will have to be presented to a space and to a half, with format of source Times New Roman, size 12.
- b) Notes will appear as footnotes and keeping a correlative numeration in all the work. Notes should be adjusted to the next model:
- - BOOK: AUTHOR, Title of the publication, number. Publish, place of publication, editor, year, page.
- - AUTHOR, "Title of the article". Title of the source (magazine or review), number, year, pages.
- c) Bibliography must include all information sources consulted and mentioned in the work (authorship, completed title, editor, city and year of publication; should the source belong to a serie, the number of the volume will be also included).
- d) Documents, online sources and/or databases will contain its URL and date of last.