In response to the purpose of promoting and expanding the research carried out in terms of Galician statutory law and the Public Administration of our autonomous community, the Galician Journal of Public Administration (hereinafter referred to as REGAP) was created through a Resolution of the director of the Galician School of Public Administration (hereinafter referred to as EGAP; Escuela Gallega de Administración Pública) of 19 December 1990.

Since then until now, REGAP has been published periodically, except in a period of time between 2006 [the year that the Administration & Citizenship magazine (revista Administración & Ciudadanía) was created to replace the REGAP] and 2010, when it was decided to republish the REGAP and continue editing it from the last issue that was published, thus maintaining the edition of the Administración & Ciudadanía magazine.

REGAP is currently classified in numerous databases such as CARHUS Plus+, CIRC, DICE, LATINDEX and MIAR and is in the process of being included in others such as ERIH PLUS. This is proof of the consolidation of the REGAP as a legal journal dedicated to studying public law of reference, both nationally and internationally.

However, its classification in the aforementioned databases is still not at maximum level in those that are possible. Consequently, the EGAP is willing to make whatever efforts are deemed necessary so that the REGAP complies with as many of the quality criteria required by such databases so that it is classified in higher positions.

To achieve this, a standard is required that regulates the process of preparing the issues of the journal and which also envisages a series of improvements to streamline its management, a series of mechanisms that guarantee not only a broader dissemination with free access to it using the necessary computer resources, but also an increase of its impact in the international scientific community.

The following regulation is approved in view of the above:


General provisions

Article 1. Denomination, identification and responsibility of the edition

1. The REGAP is the acronym of theJournal of the Galician Public Administration (Revista Gallega de Administración Pública) and is owned by the Xunta de Galicia and the EGAP, which will be responsible for editing it.
2. The ISSN of the journal is: 1132-8371 and its legal deposit is: C-1.596-91.
3. The journal will not be responsible for any opinions expressed by the authors of the papers that are published.Any complaint about such opinions must be made to those persons.

Article 2. Objectives

The objectives of the journal are as follows:

a) Dissemination of knowledge in the field of ​​Legal Science, particularly Public Law, especially as in Galicia, in the areas of Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Financial Law, through the publication of research papers and studies related to the regulations and the activity of the entities that comprise the public sector, characterized by their originality and quality.

b) Constitute a vehicle for reflection and debate on all types of legal problems, both from a theoretical and practical point of view.

Article 3. Periodicity and Format

1. The REGAP will be issued every six month.It will be published in print and digitally.
2. No obstante el dispuesto en el punto primero, se podrá publicar anualmente uno o varios números monográficos con carácter extraordinario.

Article 4. Languages

The journal will publish papers in the Galician language and may be published in Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, English and German.

Article 5. People to whom it is addressed

The journal is a scientific publication aimed at not only public administration personnel but also teaching and research staff, as well as professionals from the public and private sectors who undertake their activities in the field of Legal Science, especially in Public Law.


Organization of the management of the REGAP

Article 6. Organization of the REGAP

1. The one-person bodies required for the REGAP are as follows: Chairmanship of the Editorial Board, Directorate and Secretariat.
2. The Editorial Commission, Editorial Board and Scientific Committee are the collegiate bodies required for the REGAP.
3. This journal will include the participation of external collaborators although they will not be considered members of the REGAP organization.Whoever is in charge of assessing the papers submitted for publication in the journal shall have this capacity, as well as those responsible for technical support tasks during the editorial process.

Article 7. Chairmanship of the Editorial Board:

1. The Chairmanship of the Editorial Board shall, in whatever case, correspond to whoever undertakes the management of the EGAP.

2. The functions of the Chairman of the Editorial Board are as follows:

a) Represent the REGAP.
b) Where appropriate, appoint and dismiss the person who is the co-director of the REGAP and of the Technical Management.
c) Appoint and dismiss the person who is acting as Secretary and Deputy Secretary and, if applicable, the Technical Secretary of the REGAP.
d) Appoint and dismiss the members of the Editorial Board and of the Scientific Committee.
e) Appoint and dismiss whoever is eligible as an external collaborator.
f) Approve the instructions regarding the evaluation of the originals, as well as the appropriate forms.
g) Approve the technical norms for managing the editorial process of the papers submitted for publication in the REGAP, which shall include the necessary prescriptions to guarantee the quality of this process and those for determining the electronic editorial management system.
h) Approve the technical norms for the printed and digital publication of the REGAP, which shall include the necessary acknowledgements that must appear to guarantee the informative quality and the necessary instruments to measure the diffusion and impact of the publication in both paper and digital format.
i) Propose the approval of the Code of Ethics and Good Practice of the REGAP.
j) Set the agenda, convene and chair the meetings of the Editorial Commission and the Editorial Board.
k) Adopt whatever decisions or acts that this regulation does not attribute to any other body.

Article 8. Management

1. Management of the REGAP corresponds to the Chairman of the Editorial Board or, as the case may be, to whoever the Board appoints and who holds a doctoral degree in Legal Science.
2. Co-management of the REGAP will correspond to the person appointed by the Chairman of the Editorial Board and who holds a doctoral degree in Legal Science.
3. The Management of the REGAP, with the assistance, where appropriate, of the Co-Management, shall be responsible for the following:

a) Proposethe technical rules for managing the papers submitted for publication in the REGAP.
b) Proposethe instructions for assessing the original, as well as the relevant forms.
c) Propose the technical standards for the printed and digital publication of the REGAP
d) Proposethe composition of every issue of the Journal.
e) Fomentthe diffusion and impact of the Journal.

4. If the volume of work or other circumstances makes it necessary, the Chairman of the Editorial Board can create the position of Technical Manager and appoint someone among those holding a doctoral degree in Legal Science to occupy such a position, and who shall be the assistant to the Management of the REGAP in undertaking their functions.

Article 9. The Secretary

1. The Secretary and the Deputy Secretary of REGAP shall be the persons appointed by the Chairman of the Editorial Board, among those holding a doctoral degree inLegal

2. The Secretary of the REGAP, assisted by the Deputy Secretary, will be responsible for:

a) Coordinating the process of editing the journal, specially the assessment process, and shall appointtwo external advisors to check every original submitted to the journal.
b) Supervisingits publication process in printedand digital format.
c) The handling of communicationsbetweenthe bodies of the journal, the authors and the entity or entities commissioned for editing and distributing its printed and electronic versions.
d) Preparing reports and issuing certificates.
e) Putting forward editorial guidelines to the Editorial Board.
f) Anyother function delegated or entrusted by the Chairman of the Editorial Board of the REGAP.

4. If the volume of work or other circumstances makes it necessary, the Chairman of the Editorial Board can create the position of Technical Manager and appoint someone among those holding a doctoral degree in Legal Science to occupy such a position, and who shall be the assistant to the Management of the REGAP in undertaking their functions.

Article 10. The Editorial Commission

1. The Editorial Commission is composed of the chairman, the director and the secretary of the journal, or whoever assists them.

2. The functions of the Editorial Commission are as follows:

a) Determinationofthe editorial lines of the REGAP
b) Request collaboration toincrease the impact and visibility of the journal.
c) Control the quality of external assessments.
d) The pre-acceptance of papers for publication in the journal given its subject area and interest for the recipients of the journal.
e) Provisional acceptance of papers for publication in the journal given the reports from the external advisors.
f) The design of the organization of the contents of the issues of the journal for approval by the Editorial Board.
g) Put forward the publication of extraordinary issues for approval by the Editorial Board.

Article 11. The Editorial Board

1. The Editorial Board is integrated by a chairman, the director of the journal, a secretary and the members appointed by the Chairman of the Editorial Board among those who are specially linked and hold prestige in the field of Public Law.

2. The maximum number of members of the Editorial Board who belong to the same institution shall be three.

3. In order for the Editorial Board of the REGAP to be validly constituted, at a second call, the presence of one third of its members will be sufficient, including the chairman and the secretary.

4. The functions of the Editorial Board are as follows:

a) Approve the editorial rules for the authors whose papers are subject to publication in the REGAP.
b) Approve the Code of Ethics and Good Practice of the REGAP.
c) Approve the publication of extraordinary issues.
d) Approve the composition and content of the ordinary and extraordinary issues, which implies the final acceptance of the papers to be included.

Article 12. The Scientific Committee

1. The Scientific Committee shall comprise of a chairman, secretary and a number of academic members of recognized standing in the field of Legal Science, appointed by the Chairman of the Editorial Board.

2. At least 50% of its members shall not belong to the Autonomous Community of Galicia. At least 25% of its members must belong to foreign institutions.

3. The functions of the Scientific Committee are as follows:

a) Propose actions to improve the quality of the Journal.
b) Propose actions to improve the dissemination of the Journal.
c) Propose actions to increase the impact of the Journal.
d) Propose actions to guarantee the correct functioning of the Journal.
e) Advise the Editorial Board on everything that they query.

4. The meetings of the Scientific Committee will preferably be carried out using telematic means.

Article 13. Personal of support for technical

1. In the exercise of his or her functions, the Secretary shall have support from the service responsible for publications at the EGAP and from the Computer Science personnel providing their services to the EGAP, through the assistant Secretary. The person in charge of this shall be responsible for the ordination, impulse and internal control of the editorial process of the journal.

2. Likewise, the Secretary shall have the external collaboration authorized by the Chairman of the Editorial Board. The purpose of this support is primarily to guarantee the technical and formal suitability of the papers as per the publication rules of the REGAP through the initial revision and correction of the tests prior to publication, as well as the correction in style and linguistics.

Article 14. External assessment personnel

1. The journal will have a database of the assessors of recognized standing who do not belong to the editorial team or to the entity editing the journal.

2. This staff will hold a doctoral degree and have the status of teachers linked to the Spanish or foreign universities or either they shall be people of recognized standing with an equivalent professional level.


Structure of the REGAP

Article 15. Sections of the REGAP

The sections of the journal are as follows:
a) Studies.
b) Comments and Chronicles.
c) Reviews.

Article 16. Section of Studies

1. The Studies are research papers that consist of original doctrinal contributions.

2. The Studies will have a maximum of 30 pages in the general format established in the editorial rules for publishing the journal.

3. The content of this section will involve at least sixty percent of the total extension of the journal.

Article 17. Section of Comments and Chronicles

1. Comments and Chronicles can be:
a) Exegesis of judgments, drafts of standards, new standards or technical-legal documents.
b) Scientific opinions on current legal matters.
c) Scientific opinions on papers published in the Journal.
d) Summaries of the contents of congresses, courses, seminars or other academic acts of legal interest held by the EGAP.

2. The Comments and Chronicles will have a maximum 15-page extension min the general format established in the editorial rules for publishing the journal.

Article 18. Section of Reviews

1. Reviews are comments on books edited preferably the year before the publication of the relevant issue of the Journal.

2. Reviews must have a maximum 5-page extension in the general format established in the editorial rules for publishing the journal.


Management of the papers submitted for publication in the REGAP

Article 19. Rules for the management of the editorial process

The editorial process of the REGAP shall comply with this regulation and to what is established in the technical rules approved by the Chairman of the Editorial Board.

Article 20. Submission of the papers

1. The papers shall be sent to the Secretary of the journal using the electronic means established for this purpose.

2. The message reference shall identify all the authors of the originals, indicating names, surnames, ORCID code, adscription institution, country of the adscription institution and email address.

3. Likewise, the person sending the paper must indicate the following in their message: that they know and accept the contents of this regulation and the code of ethics and good practice of the REGAP, and that the version of the paper being submitted has neither been published nor is it in the process of being published in any other journal. Otherwise, this person will be asked to provide a statement and warned that if this is not made available within ten days, the paper will not be taken into consideration for publication in the journal.

Article 21. Reception of the papers

1. Once the papers have been received, acknowledgement will be sent to the authors indicating the approximate duration of the publishing process.

2. Reception of the papers will in no case be certified. Only those papers that have been accepted for provisional publication by the Editorial Commission, or definitively by the Editorial Board, will be certified by the Secretary, if so requested by the authors, and in this last case, indicating the issue in which the papers will be published.

Article 22. Review and evaluation of the papers

1. The Editorial Commission will analyze the papers received and if they meet the requirements established in this regulation and in other applicable provisions, the evaluation process will begin. Otherwise, they will be returned to their authors.

2. The papers selected in accordance with the point above will be sent for evaluation, omitting who is the author, to two people appointed by the Secretary of the journal.

3. The evaluation will judge the originality, novelty, relevance, rigor and methodological quality of the papers.

4. The evaluation will be sent using the electronic means established for that purpose, to the Secretary of the journal within fifteen days, and its final result can be either positive, positive with suggestions or negative.

5. The results of the evaluation, whether positive or negative, will be notified using the electronic means established for this purpose to the authors of the papers. In the case of a positive evaluation with suggestions or a refusal, a summary of the main points of the reports issued by the people undertaking the evaluation will be sent to the authors, omitting their identity.

Article 23. Provisional acceptance of the papers for publication

1. The Editorial Commission will provisionally accept the papers with two positive evaluations for publication, although they include suggestions. In this last case, the Secretary of the journal will return the papers to whoever submitted them so that they can incorporate these suggestions within a non-extendable 10-day period.

2. Papers that have two negative evaluations will not be published.

3. If the paper obtained one positive and one negative evaluation, it will be sent for a third assessment for evaluation. The Editorial Board may provisionally accept it for publication only if this third evaluation is positive or positive with suggestions.

Article 24. Composition of the REGAP

The Editorial Board will abide by the following rules for proposing the composition:

a) The papers accepted for publication will be distributed, according to their content, into the different sections of the journal structure.
b) As a minimum:
- 70% of the published papers will be by people not belonging to the Editorial Board or to the Scientific Committee.
- 60% of the published papers will be by people not belonging to the Xunta de Galicia.
- 50% of the papers will come from different institutions or geographical areas.
- 10% of the published papers will come from people linked to foreign institutions.

Article 25. Approval and publication of the REGAP

When publication of the respective issue has been approved, the Secretary of the journal will proceed to coordinate mock-ups, translation, layouts, edition and printing, as per the editorial rules of the journal.


First. Remuneration

The remuneration that the members of the different bodies of the REGAP, external collaborators and authors will receive shall be adjusted to the provisions of the EGAP regulations.

Second. Editing and publication rights

The editing and publication rights, in any medium, of the accepted and published papers correspond to the Xunta de Galicia, which must authorize any reproduction thereof.


Sole. General derogatory clause

Any provision of equal or lower rank and any agreement that is contrary to the provisions of this regulation shall be repealed.


Sole. Entry into force

This regulation shall come into force on the day after its approval by the Governing Council of the EGAP.

DATE of approval _ 25/10/2017